So ... a busy (not even a) week since we got here and a lot has happened. We have found a team of very willing and able villagers to build the playground and they have got cracking. To date, work has gone really well on painting the blackboard walls, with some lovely designs (palm tree, suns and boat blackboards); tyres have been made into towers to climb with landscaped spaces for chdilren to explore; bantabas are built and work has started on huts which will encourage the chidlen to communicate in new and different ways. THe speaking tube is up, and is already being used by the children.
So next week will see the building of a role play bus, finishing the huts and hills, swings and blackboard walls. A really exciting addition is a boat which is being made by the boatmakers in Barra. This is a really exciting addition and one which the children are really excited about. Also, a mud/clay/messy kitchen is being installed.
Essa and Moussa deserve great credit for getting a drum activity made and painted and working out exactly how to make it. They are now researching how to make a hanging xylophone…
Essa and Moussa deserve great credit for getting a drum activity made and painted and working out exactly how to make it. They are now researching how to make a hanging xylophone…
Highlights have been watching the loading of the tyres on to the top of the bus to bring home, and laoding the inside with mahogany for the bantabas. Also, on that trip to Barra, we met the pigs on the beach whilst finding the people to make the boat. As always, people always know someone from their extended family and can work out a way to get things done.